Rezept Carrot-Cake
By Claudia on Apr 22, 2008 | In To die for, Kuchen & Kekse, In English | 8 feedbacks »
It's Tuesday! Well almost Wednesday ... But I managed to bake Bill's Big Carrot Cake. Well, not a big one. I prefered a cup cake-sized version of this nice recipe chosen by Amanda of slow like honey. A great recipe for "Tuesdays with Dorie"!
The cake itself was great: juicy with a nutty flavour and a lot of coconut! This cake recipe is a real keeper! To be honest: I liked the filling and frosting with philadelphia cheese but I wouldn't make it again. The carrot cake is so rich of flavour that the frosting hides much of the flavour.
Have a look at what the other bakers did: Tuesdays with Dorie-Blogroll
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I prefer my cakes cupcake size too! Your mini-cake is adorable. Great job!
Clara @ I♥food4thought

Sorry you were not much of a fan! I did mini cakes as well and enjoyed them. Yours looks adorable!

Oh, klingt das gut! Davon will ich sofort ein St?ck haben!
Du hast mich ?brigens angesteckt ;) Letzte Woche habe ich bei einem USA-Aufenthalt einen Blick in Dorie Greenspan's Buch geworfen und es bestellt, sobald ich wieder zu Hause war. (Die mindestens 4 kg h?tten mein Fluggep?ck zu arg belastet.)

Sieht jedenfalls sehr lecker aus. Und Kokos mag ich ja sowieso.

@Clara: Thanks!
@Gretchen: I am a fan of the cake - the only thing I didn't like was the frosting. The carrot cake is a real keeper!
@Ute: Ja, das Buch ist ein echtes Schwergewicht. Ich habe die Anschaffung bislang nicht bereut.
@Cricolie: Thanks!
@nasebaer: War auch lecker! Gaaaanz saftig, herrliche Kokosnote und mit Waln?ssen sch?n nussig.
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